MBadX Safety Disclaimer

MBadX Safety Disclaimer

墨尔本中国高校校友羽毛球协会(MBADX)主办的赛事活动的目的是为了增进在墨尔本生活的高校校友羽毛球爱好者增进体质,交流互动和感情联络,崇尚品德良好的体育精神,安全第一, 友谊第一,比赛第二。MBADX反对一切赛场暴力和一切不正当的体育竞争,如有暴力和不正当行为,一律取消比赛资格。如恶意侵犯他人或其它涉及犯罪行为,则不在此免责范围内,当事人必须承担相应的法律责任。 参加活动者均视为具有完全民事行为能力的人,须了解主办方墨尔本高校校友羽毛球协会没有购买任何保险,如有需要请自行决定依据个人需要购买。在活动过程中发生由于意外事故和急性疾病等不可预测因素造成的人身损害后果自负。主办方墨尔本中国高校校友羽毛球协会,承办方、赞助商及各个参与组织的校友会或机构对任何个人或机构在比赛期间所发生的任何事件不承担任何经济和法律责任,不承担民事赔偿责任,不承担安全保障义务。凡参加活动的校友需接受和签订免责声明。活动开始本声明自动生效。

The purpose of the events organized by the Melbourne Badminton Association of Daxue Xiaoyou (MBadX) is to enhance the physical fitness, to improve collaboration and relationships of badminton enthusiasts of university alumni living in Melbourne,to advocate good sportsmanship, safety first, friendship first and games second. We are opposed oppose to all violence and all unfair competitions. If there is violence or unfair and improper conduct, the involved parties will be disqualified. If malicious infringement on others or any criminal activities occur, it is not within the scope of this exemption. The parties involved must bear corresponding legal responsibilities. Participants are regarded as persons with full civil capacity and must understand that the host, MBadX does not purchase any insurance. If necessary, participants shall purchase insurances according to their personal needs. In any event, the consequences of personal injuries caused by unpredictable factors, such as accidents and acute diseases, shall be the responsibilities of the individuals involved. The organizer, MBadX, and any other co-organizers, sponsors and participating alumni associations or institutions shall not bear any economic or legal liabilities, shall not bear civil liabilities, or shall not bear the obligation of safety protection. All participants of the activities must accept and sign this disclaimer. This statement will take effect automatically when the event starts.

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